"Houston we have a problem": problem solving and decision making


Lesson n. 1: Questionnaires Entry
Lesson n. 2: Problem solving and decision-making, aren't they the same?
   Thinking: fast and slow

   Problem solving and decision making: twins? Strangers? Or what?
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Lesson n. 3: What's my problem? Time to solve it!
   4-Step Model for Problem Solving: IDEA

   Step 1: identify the prblem

   Step 2: develop solutions

   Step 3: execute the solution

   Step 4: Assess the results
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Lesson n. 4: I made a decision! Oh, wait…maybe not?
   5 steps model for decision making

   Psychological threats that undermine our decisions
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Lesson n. 5: I have 99 problems, and a 100 ways to make a decision
   Problem solving techniques

   Decision making techniques
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Lesson n. 6: Final test