Deepening of situational Awareness

Content language:English
Course description

This transversal module will enable trainees to have a deep understanding of the concept of situational awareness and its relationship with other related concepts (like perception, understanding, decision making…). After presenting principles of situation awareness measurement and visual scanning improvement techniques, the learners will practice their self-assessment of their situational awareness.


There is no prerequisite needed for this course


At the end of the training module, the learner will be able to:

  • Understand the concept of situational awareness
  • Apply the concept of situational awareness to his/her real-world situations
  • Evaluate his/her self-assessment of situation awareness

The course will cover following themes:

  • Fundamentals of situation awareness: theory and measurement
  • Human perception
  • Mental models
  • Visual scanning training
  • Meta-cognition and self-assessment

The course will be based on asynchronous video lessons as well as synchronous sessions aimed at guiding and collecting feedback regarding the practice of situation awareness self-assessment.


Endsley, M. R., & Garland, D. J. (2000). Situation awareness analysis and measurement. CRC Press.

Durso, F. T., Rawson, K. A., Girotto, S (2007). Comprehension and situation awareness. In Durso, F. T., Nickerson, R. S., Dumais, S.T., Lewandowsky, S., Perfect, T. J. (Eds.), Handbook of applied cognition (2nd ed., pp. 163-193). Chicester, UK: Wiley.

Stanton, N. A., Salmon, P. M., Walker, G. H., Baber, C., & Jenkins D. P. (2005). Human Factors Methods. Ashgate Publishing Limited.

Shebilske, W. L., Goettl, B. P., & Garland, D. J. (2000). Situation awareness, automaticity, and training. Situation awareness analysis and measurement, 303-323.

Vidulich, M. A., Crabtree, M. S., & McCoy, A. L. (1993). Developing subjective and objective metrics of pilot situation awareness. In R. S. Jensen & D. Neumeister (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (pp. 896–900). Columbus: The Ohio State University


The video lessons are composed of theoretical explanations about the concept of situation awareness and other related concepts. Each video lesson comprises a question at the end of each topic, in order to ensure that the learner’s understanding. Various assessment tests and questions will also be provided during the training. The proposed exercises can be solved only by remembering and understanding the content delivered in the video lessons. The learner only has to carefully listen to the teacher during the lessons. Assessment will comprise multiple choice questions, a case study, a glossary, a drag-and-drop exercise, a one-minute essay, the bulding of a concept map, a one-sentence summary and exit tickets.

Barbara Sani, Nadine Matton
Video professors
Prof. Nadine Matton -
List of video lessons
Nadine Matton
Nadine Matton
Nadine Matton
Nadine Matton
Nadine Matton
    •  Lesson n. 7: Final test  Go to this videolesson