How to cope with stress and change to fit in future roles

Content language:English
Course description
This training will enable trainees to be aware on how they deal with change and stress when the environment requires to fit in new roles. 

The participants will learn about the stress and change mechanisms and will receive tools for self-empowering themselves.

No prerequisites are needed
The trainee at the end of the course will be able to:
  • understand the mechanisms of stress and reactions to change. 
  • analyse their natural tendencies in coping with stress and change.
  • understand the different coping strategies in dealing with new and difficult situations
The contents of the whole training will be:
  1. Stress mechanism and impacts
  2. Assess personal stressors
  3. Personality traits connected with stress management
  4. Tools to manage stressful situations: the circles of change
  5. Tools to manage stressful situations: Assessing personal resources
  6. Tools to manage stressful situations: assessing personal emotional state with the mood meter
  7. Coping strategies to better manage the stressful situation
  8. The curve of change
  9. Assess personal readiness to change
The video lessons will be: lesson n°1, n°3 and n°8
Stress mechanism and impacts: The participants will learn how the stress mechanism works, what are their personal contributing factors (stressors) and the areas of impact (emotional, physical and behavioural)
Personality traits connected with stress management: The participants will understand and apply the criteria of optimism and Locus of control to the stress management. 
The curve of change: The participants will understand the journey we all do when facing critical changes at work. They will be able to recognise every stage of this path, understand what are the elements that will help them to progress and the ones that will make them regress on early stages of the change management

MANAGING STRESS IN ATM: free download here

During the training the participants will fill out the following exercises:

Multiple choice questions

Case study: Case study exercises commonly present trainees with real problems faced by professionals in the real world. Usually, students are provided with a set of documents/information outlining a specific problem or situation, requiring the trainee to formulate a plan of action to solve/address the issue. 

Glossary exercise: it aims to assess the trainees’ comprehension of the key concepts of each lesson. Considering that, each student MUST insert AND define 2/3 concepts per lesson, which they learned and identified as crucial. 

Drag and Drop exercise requires the students to drag a piece of text (e.g. a word or a phrase) or an image and drop it at the corresponding place. 

Concept maps are similar to a web that gives a visual representation of a students’ comprehension of a specific topic and the relations that they can make between different concepts. 

One sentence summary: the trainee has to sum up the main learning goals of the lesson in one sentence 

Alessia Golfetti
Video professors
Prof. Angela Donati -
List of video lessons
Angela Donati
Angela Donati
Angela Donati
    •  Lesson n. 5: Tools to manage stressful situations: the circles of change
Angela Donati
Angela Donati
Angela Donati
    •  Lesson n. 8: Coping strategies to better manage the stressful situation
Angela Donati
Angela Donati
Angela Donati
    •  Lesson n. 12: Final test  Go to this videolesson